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Differential Equations

Implicit Runge Kutta method.

The OdeImplicitRungeKutta5 class solves an initial-value problem for stiff ordinary differential equations using the implicit Runge Kutta method of order 5.

 In this example the OdeImplicitRungeKutta5 class is used to solve the ODEs for a kinetic model:

              a1       a2
         S0 <---> S1 <---> S2
              b1       b2
The differential equations are:
            y0' = -y0 * a1 + y1 * b1;
            y1' = -y1 * (b1 + a2) + y0 * a1 + y2 * b2;
            y2' = -y2 * b2 + y1 * a2;
        a1 = 0.01* Exp(0.7 * voltage / 25)
        a2 = 0.01* Exp(0.4 * voltage / 25)

C# Code

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using DotNumerics.ODE;
namespace DotNumericsDemo.DifferentialEquations
    public partial class ImplicitRungeKutta5 : Form
        private OdeImplicitRungeKutta5 implicitRK5 = new OdeImplicitRungeKutta5();
        private double[] t = new double[1001];
        private double[] v = new double[1001];
        private double[] S0 = new double[1001];
        private double[] S1 = new double[1001];
        private double[] S2 = new double[1001];
        private int solIndex = 0;
        private double voltage = 0;
        private double voltage1 = 50;
        private double voltage2 = -150;
        private double voltage3 = 50;
        private void Solve()
            OdeFunction fun = new OdeFunction(ODEs);
            OdeSolution sol = new OdeSolution(OdeSol);
            this.implicitRK5.InitializeODEs(fun, 3);
            solIndex = 0;
            double[] y0 = new double[3];
            //Solve for voltage1
            y0[0] = 1;
            y0[1] = 0;
            y0[2] = 0;
            this.voltage = this.voltage1;
            this.implicitRK5.Solve(y0, 0, 1, 300, sol);
            //Solve for voltage2
            y0[0] = this.S0[300];
            y0[1] = this.S1[300];
            y0[2] = this.S2[300];
            this.voltage = this.voltage2;
            this.implicitRK5.Solve(y0, 301, 1, 700, sol);
            //Solve for voltage3
            y0[0] = this.S0[700];
            y0[1] = this.S1[700];
            y0[2] = this.S2[700];
            this.voltage = this.voltage3;
            this.implicitRK5.Solve(y0, 701, 1, 1000, sol);
        //      a1       a2
        // S0 <---> S1 <---> S2
        //      b1       b2
        //Differential equations:
        //            y'0 = -y0 * a1 + y1 * b1;
        //            y'1 = -y1 * (b1 + a2) + y0 * a1 + y2 * b2;
        //            y'2 = -y2 * b2 + y1 * a2;
        //        a1 = 0.01* Exp(0.7 * voltage / 25)
        //        a2 = 0.01* Exp(0.4 * voltage / 25)
        double[] yprime = new double[3];
        private double[] ODEs(double t, double[] y)
            double a1 = 0.01 * Math.Exp(0.7 * this.voltage / 25);
            double a2 = 0.01 * Math.Exp(0.4 * this.voltage / 25);
            double b1 = 0.001 * Math.Exp(-0.7 * this.voltage / 25);
            double b2 = 0.001 * Math.Exp(-0.4 * this.voltage / 25);
            yprime[0] = -y[0] * a1 + y[1] * b1;
            yprime[1] = -y[1] * (b1 + a2) + y[0] * a1 + y[2] * b2;
            yprime[2] = -y[2] * b2 + y[1] * a2;
            return this.yprime;
        //Save the solution
        private void OdeSol(double t, double[] y)
            this.t[solIndex] = t;
            this.v[solIndex] = voltage;
            this.S0[solIndex] = y[0];
            this.S1[solIndex] = y[1];
            this.S2[solIndex] = y[2];


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